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Roger Standen

Roger Standen

Roger Standen

Roger Standen wird Ihre Vorlesungen bzw. eine Leistungsklasse im Modul "Business English" halten. Drei Fragen und ihre Antworten dazu.

Was ist Ihr praktischer und akademischer Hintergrund?

After extensive travels in Asia and living in various Buddhist communities, I trained to teach English in 1983, eventually gaining the CELTA and Delta certificates from the Royal Society of Arts in Britain.

Therefore,  I have been teaching English now for 35 years. I also gained a Bachelor’s degree in Counselling Psychology at Surrey University as a mature student in 1996, but then decided to return to teaching. I have taught in Spain, Italy, the UK and Switzerland, with 17 years behind me at the HTW in Chur.  I am also a Speaking Test examiner for the Cambridge centre in St Gallen.


Wie soll ich mir Ihre Vorlesung vorstellen?

My current remit at the HTW is to prepare students for the Cambridge BEC Higher exam at C1 level.  In class we use official Cambridge materials to develop the skills of reading, writing, listening and speaking which are necessary not only to pass the external exam but also to use Business English effectively in the real world.  The lessons are designed to be enjoyable, stimulating, varied and challenging.


Wie kann ich das bei Ihnen erworbene Wissen später im beruflichen Umfeld nutzen?

English is now the world’s international language. A C1 or C2 level of English is sought after by many companies today, and therefore a Cambridge certificate enhances a CV.  Working towards this exam goal gives students the skills to function competently in today’s multi-cultural business environment.

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