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Cate Haller

Cate Haller wird Ihre Vorlesungen bzw. eine Leistungsklasse im Modul "Business English" halten. Drei Fragen und ihre Antworten dazu.

Was ist Ihr praktischer und akademischer Hintergrund?

In 1994 I successfully completed a BA (Hons) in Visual Arts, my majoring practical medium being photography. Because of my love of travelling and water, I decided to proceed on a journey to become a scuba instructor, come underwater photographer. Though due to a hurricane called ‘Mitch’ in 1998, I ended up finding myself in Switzerland.

I had always had a passion for English literature and and the English language itself, and as I’d also discovered how much I enjoyed teaching whilst being a PADI Instructor, it seemed the logical step to do a Cambridge CELTA course at Flying Teachers in Zurich in 2004, followed by SVEB1 at TLC in Baden in 2013.

Since then, I haven’t looked back, and have continued to enjoy teaching at many educational institutions around Ilanz, Chur and Zurich. I have also been a Cambridge speaking examiner since the beginning of 2013.


Wie soll ich mir Ihre Vorlesung vorstellen?

Lessons are conducted in such a way so as to provide a supportive and inspiring atmosphere, in which students are able to build upon their already acquired knowledge of the language. Amending those areas of weakness, be it grammatical, pronunciation or a lack of vocabulary. Using official Cambridge business English material, students will be strategically prepared in all components of the BEC exam, i.e. reading, writing, listening and speaking. This will be achieved through an interactive combined effort between the student and the teacher.


Wie kann ich das bei Ihnen erworbene Wissen später im beruflichen Umfeld nutzen?

As English is widely viewed as one of the most important world languages, it can not be denied that upon leaving the HTW, with your certificate in hand, how many doors will open so much more easily for you within your professional, as well as your private lives. Therefore, you can be excited about what possible opportunities lie ahead of you!

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